Friday, November 20, 2009


To thank you all and to celebrate my anniversary of my blog I'll be holding a giveaway for the next week. I decided to give some of my favorite things:

You've heard me mention these fondly and often:

Mini snickers! Only I'll send you a full size snickers, lol.

A Willow Tree angel ornament- this one is called Angel's Embrace and is of an angel holding a baby.

and a $25 gift card to Amazon. I buy a lot of books, but you can spend it on whatever you wish.

Thanks! and Good Luck!
THANKS FOR ENTERING! Congrats to our winner, Pamela!


Aaron'sMommy said...


I have appreciated all of your "ramblings" over the last year. So often you are thinking things I am thinking and your posts come at just the right time to make me remember I am not alone in my feelings. Happy Anniversary :-)

Kathy Arnold said...

Your newsletters are always timely! I will be going on December 4th to meet with the doctor about the autopsy. The 4th will also mark 5 months since my VERY overdue baby girl, Sariah, was stillbron. It will be bittersweet. Thanks for having a beautiful place to come to when it sometimes feels there is nowhere else for me to go.

Anonymous said...

Love your blogg!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Anonymous said...

I can't believe its been a year. Seems like you have been doing this a lot longer. I am SO glad you decided to do a blog. It has been SO helpful for me in the last year. I am sure you have helped many others.....Thank you Emily for everything you have done!

V said...

Seriously a year!? Time is going by too quickly. Congrats.

Kara Chipoletti Jones of GriefAndCreativity dot com said...

Yah, I'm so glad you liked that saying from the Tao and shared it forward. Congrats on the anniversary of the blog and getting up over 100 followers -- you are doing fantabulous things here, Em! Your "ramblings" are helpful and encouraging and I'm so glad you are here! You don't need to enter me in the giveaway, as I just wanted to stop by and say hi and send love and congrats... miracles, a zillion of them, to you! k-

Pamela said...

Emily - I agree with Aaron's Mommy, your posts are always so very timely. Prayers to everyone as we enter the upcoming holiday season.

Aaaron's grandma

Me said...

Congrats on the year! That is awesome!

TamaraDSA said...


I have appreciated this site so much. I found it at a very difficult time in our lives when we had recently lost our baby girl and I was searching for answers, hope and healing and most of all peace. I am so grateful to have found this site and love the Sand Pictures as well. December 8th will be the one year anniversary of our daughter's death and December 9th will be the one year anniversary of our daughter's death. (Happy Anniversary, Emily!)

Ter said...

Emily, I'm glad I found your blog!

and I hope someday I'll meet you in person. I don't know where I'd be without my SHARE sistas!

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

I was kind of surprised you'd only been at this year.. You were one of the first blogs I found after losing Seth (a little over a year ago) and i appreciated (still do!) your wisdom and insight.

Thank you!

Emerging Butterfly said...

I love your's been so helpful since losing my twins...Thanks for the stepping stones.

Not Your Ordinary Spud said...

I am grateful to your blog and to your story...without coming across it I believe I would have felt alone....I am so glad that our angels are in heaven and that we have people who know what we've been through. Thank you for your time and energy that you put into your readers :)

Unknown said...

Wow, has it been an entire year already? Congratulations, Emily. And thank you for all you do.

Zackery's Mom said...

I stumbled across your blog only recently. And while I would love your giveaways for myself, I know a fellow angel mom that is having a very difficult time after losing her daughter 3 years ago and then losing her husband last year. That is who I would give them to if I did happen to win.

Elisabeth said...

thanks so much for the n-letter and blog! i have a pic you took in the sand with estellas name. it means alot!!

Kritta22 said...

Hello chica! Your newsletters seems to come out at the exact moment when I need them.
As you know I'm prego right now. This week has been way scary. My blood levels were way low. I freaked myself out with the baby. And you know how it goes, immedately to bad thoughts. I didn't feel the baby move for almost 24 hours.
Well anyway in the middle of me freaking out, you sent out the newsletter. I hated the thoughts I was having but on the other side...I knew that I had you and my family/friends support to go through anything Heavenly Father throws at me. I can do it, no matter what. If these women can make it through it, I might be able too.
So thank you for your blog and newsletter. It gives more than you think it does.
Happy Blogiversary! You are a superstar.

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say...i may not leave messages often..but do read all your blogs...which i'm appreciative for..Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing all your words of wisdom and comfort.
Since my dd 1 yr death anniversary is approaching this Dec. The holidays will be a somewhat tough but hopeful for me.

Unknown said...

Joining your giveaway!
(I am glad you found your blogg)


Once A Mother said...

I read often, but comment rarely. I just want you to know that I have really appreciated your words through this journey.

Lisa said...

Congrats on your anniversary. You have touched many hearts. I recently got the sand picture and I love it-it is going in Matthew's scrapbook. My story is so similiar to yours-I feel we could be kindred spirits(I lost Matthew at 19 weeks and had to wait four days.
Seven years is a long time-it is getting a little easier. Blessings to all and their families for the holidays.