Sunday, November 29, 2009

December ceremonies- Angel of Hope

The story behind this angel statue is told in the book "The Christmas Box" by Richard Paul Evans. In the book a grieving woman mourns the loss of her child at an angel statue in a Salt Lake cemetary. There have since been over 80 Christmas box angel statues placed around the United States. They are dedicated as places of love and healing for all those who have lost children. Many of them have candlelight vigil ceremonies around this time of year. It is customary to leave a white flower behind. If you look closely at the angel statue there is the word 'hope' hidden in her wing.

To check if there is an angel statue near you, visit the site Christmas box angel locations

I have several copies of The Christmas Box to give away- if you would like one, please email me at nickwilberg @



Rachel said...

Is that the Christmas Angel near you? I have always wanted to go to Salt Lake and see the original one. The last time I was there was before I was married and didn't know anything about the story.

V said...

I wish we could go to the Angel of Hope again, it was soooo nice to go and see it in 2007. It's simply amazing.

Kathryn @ Expectant Hearts said...

Thank you for sharing this. I read the book long ago. before I'd lost a child..

By the way, your link seems to be broken.. I found this:

Ter said...

I love the Christmas Box and I actually for some reason have 2 copies of it.... I was originally going to give one away too but I totally forgot. Maybe next Christmas.

And I finally, FINALLY got to see this in person when I went to St. Louis in October. Besides meeting some of my SHARE SISTAS, this was certainly one of the highlights of my trip. I wish I could've had more time to spend with the angel and that it was nicer outside (as in, the ground not all wet), so I could sit with it for a while. Maybe another time... I really wish we had one near me! I definitely would like to go see it for a candlelight vigil or bricklaying.

Colleen said...

that's awesome, December 6 is not only the Anniversary of the loss of my first child, but also the birthday of my rainbow baby!

Thanks for sharing.