Monday, July 13, 2009

BP/USA: Ron Villano

Over the course of the weekend we had the opportunity to attend several workshops (4 per day). The one I was presenting wasn't until the second day at the very last time slot. I was going to attend the workshop before mine in that room so I was there already to set up and avoid the stress. The plus was it was something that interests me- Grief 5 years Later.

So I was sitting there comfortably and as I was flipping through the schedule a workshop caught my eye- Embrace the Power by Ron Villano. My legs got me up and out of that chair and out of that room before I knew what I was doing. I just felt I had to attend that workshop. Has something like that ever happened to you? I try to not question my instincts, too much (and my apologies to the presenters of the other workshop as I jetted out of there too quickly to explain. Although I have no idea what I would have said. 'Sorry, gotta go!' They probably thought I was running to the bathroom, lol)

Ron is an interesting guy. Very dynamic. Very Italian. There was a lot of energy in that room. And it was packed.

The overall theme of his presentation is to 'Honor your loved one's life by living yours'. I like this a lot. It reminds me of the idea was have talked about before- Creating our Children's Legacy Our kids are not here to create their own legacy so we are doing it for them. He speaks in honor of his son Michael who was killed in a car accident.

Then also he has some rubber band bracelet wristbands- one says 'I choose to' and one says 'So What?'. The 'I choose to' reminds me of that discussion we had about 'I get to..' And the 'So What' is to remind you that it doesn't really matter what people think. If they think you are handling your grief incorrectly or you should be over it by now, or whatever. That is the answer for them. So what.

If you want to pop on over to visit his site it is and he's got a book called The Zing

1 comment:

Holly said...

I definitely like the theme of his presentation.